2023 Coast Film & Music Festival Encore

Our Lands Short Film Block: Inspiring stories of adventure and exploration on public lands and the importance to protect for future generations.

Expired December 2, 2023 7:45 AM
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Screening: Friday, November 10th at 9:00 - 11:00 AM - Short film block - Our Lands, Q&A w Obi Kaufmann, Anjelica Avella, Sarah Stewart

Location: Forum Theater / Festival of Arts, Laguna Beach

Buy Tickets HERE.

If you don’t know something exists, how do you give it a voice? Waterfall Hunters follows three Costa Ricans -Javier, Jimmy and Miguel- as they seek to find, document, and inspire others to preserve invaluable ecosystems and habitats in the Costa Rican jungle. A beautiful journey into rarely-seen territory, teeming with life but under imminent threat of destruction. The stakes couldn’t be higher, as the men abseil, climb and hike into the heart of the jungle.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    Costa Rica
  • Director
    Lindsey Hagen