Cordillera Streams - Cordillera Int'l Film Festival 2021

Documentary Program - Short Film Block

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From quirky figurines to a groundbreaking artist and powerful causes - these films take you on a journey filled with smiles, *sighs* and the best kind of tears - the ones that inspire change.

*Viewing of this block is restricted to Nevada Residents Only*

Ignited States is a bold and scrappy documentary that follows the protestors of Minneapolis and beyond as they demand justice for George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died at the hands of four policemen. ​ From the harrowing imagery of the riots and looting to the impassioned protests of the Black Lives Matter movement, the viewers are taken on a ground-level experience of a modern-day uprising. ​ With the United States in near-unspeakable partisan divide, this film brings out the incredible humanity of those calling for change, while also showing the reality of the trenches.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    30 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    West Coast Premiere
  • Director
    Jud Nichols
  • Editor
    Matt Chase
  • Production Design
    Jourdan Gomez
  • Music
    Jonas Mune, Dex Barstad