Temporary Solution for the Permanent Problems is an installation piece that includes three video monitors, one large projection and a couple of installation props. The videos focus on the engagement of her choreography in a factory-like way by giving a sense of extreme anxiety or uncomfortableness. In #1, the artist being wrapped by another performer in a manufactured plastic wrap, then being left alone on the floor in a bleak space.
The audience may accepts her work in a visceral way, but the theme of the work is about the vulnerability of the body.
"Although a place seems to be useless, you can shoot your film in an artistic way. (My location was the basement of my apartment.)" - Jihea Han
- Year2019
- Runtime11 minutes
- CountrySouth Korea, United States
- PremiereMidwest Premiere
- FilmmakerJihea Han
Temporary Solution for the Permanent Problems is an installation piece that includes three video monitors, one large projection and a couple of installation props. The videos focus on the engagement of her choreography in a factory-like way by giving a sense of extreme anxiety or uncomfortableness. In #1, the artist being wrapped by another performer in a manufactured plastic wrap, then being left alone on the floor in a bleak space.
The audience may accepts her work in a visceral way, but the theme of the work is about the vulnerability of the body.
"Although a place seems to be useless, you can shoot your film in an artistic way. (My location was the basement of my apartment.)" - Jihea Han
- Year2019
- Runtime11 minutes
- CountrySouth Korea, United States
- PremiereMidwest Premiere
- FilmmakerJihea Han