This year’s drama shorts program highlights valuable and interesting stories of queer characters from all over the rainbow. These shorts will take you on a journey into the character’s world and humanize their experiences to those around them. Some will leave you questioning your own reality and others will give you a concise perspective of the experiences of people beyond the traditional spectrum.
When the middle-aged Kamble makes his weekly visit to the neighborhood barber shop, it's not just for a shave -- he can't wait to be touched by Jaan, the new barber-boy he has a crush on.
- Year2019
- Runtime10 minutes
- DirectorArun Fulara
This year’s drama shorts program highlights valuable and interesting stories of queer characters from all over the rainbow. These shorts will take you on a journey into the character’s world and humanize their experiences to those around them. Some will leave you questioning your own reality and others will give you a concise perspective of the experiences of people beyond the traditional spectrum.
When the middle-aged Kamble makes his weekly visit to the neighborhood barber shop, it's not just for a shave -- he can't wait to be touched by Jaan, the new barber-boy he has a crush on.
- Year2019
- Runtime10 minutes
- DirectorArun Fulara