Reasons follows the life of a young and single mother, Mercy during the late 1950s in rural Georgia. Mercy lives with the difficulty of not having her daughter's father in their lives and struggles with abandoning the illusion of having " the perfect family" In a time and place where women had very little authority over their own lives, she is willing to sacrifice her own happiness to give her child the family life she has always longed for.
- Year2021
- Runtime0:22:48
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- RatingAdult Content
- DirectorYvette Pabon
- ScreenwriterYvette Pabon
- ProducerYvette Pabon, Lenny Thomas, Narci Regina, Julie Stackhouse
- CastNarci Regina, Lenny Thomas, Leland Taylor, Ameerah Briggs, Kisha Elaine Barr, Aliyah Isis
Reasons follows the life of a young and single mother, Mercy during the late 1950s in rural Georgia. Mercy lives with the difficulty of not having her daughter's father in their lives and struggles with abandoning the illusion of having " the perfect family" In a time and place where women had very little authority over their own lives, she is willing to sacrifice her own happiness to give her child the family life she has always longed for.
- Year2021
- Runtime0:22:48
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- RatingAdult Content
- DirectorYvette Pabon
- ScreenwriterYvette Pabon
- ProducerYvette Pabon, Lenny Thomas, Narci Regina, Julie Stackhouse
- CastNarci Regina, Lenny Thomas, Leland Taylor, Ameerah Briggs, Kisha Elaine Barr, Aliyah Isis