2023 Denton Black Film Festival

The Work of Our Ancestors: Feature "James Hemings: Ghost in America's Kitchen" and Shorts: "Afrikan By Way of American", and "Black Moses"

Expired February 6, 2023 6:00 AM
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This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! Voting ends on Saturday, February 5th at 10am Central. Unlock it to cast your vote. Number system- Use 5 for the Best and then down to 1.


You might be familiar with the names of early Civil Rights Pioneers such as Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. But have you heard of Marcus Garvey? A Jamaican man whose meteoric rise in America brought the attention of J. Edgar Hoover and caused the President himself to order his deportation. The often overlooked and controversial figure of early civil rights coined the phrase "black is beautiful", inspired Malcolm X, and was one of the first to push the idea of Pan-Africanism.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    Jamaica, United Kingdom, United States
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Leila Pongracz, Wyatt Lee
  • Screenwriter
    Leila Pongracz, Wyatt Lee, Auden Williams
  • Producer
    Ben Willis
  • Cast
    Wyatt Lee