2024 Denton Black Film Festival

Diaspora Dreams Shorts: BLACK WOMAN WHITE MAN; December 10, 2022;Donna's Dream; OASIS; Reparations; This or That; Got U | Ombachii (Original Music Video)

Expired February 6, 2024 6:00 AM
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OASIS traces a journey through the memories of an Astronaut stranded after crash landing on a lifeless desert planet. He drags himself through the desert, hopelessly alone, running out of food and water. In his most desperate time he finds solace and motivation in the memories of a safer, happier time in the serene presence of the woman he loves. The memories are not entirely harmonious, though, as they reveal a truth the Astronaut must accept in order to move on. Those thoughts become his imperfect oasis. OASIS journeys through a man's memories, alternating between his time as an astronaut stranded on an arid desert planet, and moments of peaceful serenity with the woman he loves.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
  • Subtitle Language
  • Social Media
  • Director
    John McKey
  • Screenwriter
    John McKey
  • Cast
    Anthony Gonzales, Madeleine Hernandez
  • Cinematographer
    Diego Madrigal