2025 Denton Black Film Festival

Short Stories Around the Globe: Forbidden Sound(China); Love Sweet Sound (Kenya); Ma Naye ka Masaala a se ke (From God to Man) (Sierra Leone); Weave (UK); We Need To Talk Abiut Consent (Jamaica)

Available in 35d 17h 04m 51s
Available January 27, 2025 2:00 AM UTC
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This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! Voting ends on Saturday, February 2nd at 10am Central. Unlock it to cast your vote. Number system- Use 5 for the Best and then down to 1.
$8After this content becomes available January 27th at 2:00 am UTC, you'll have 7 days 4 hours to start watching. Once you begin, you'll have 48 hours to finish watching. Need help?

Keya is a young woman who is in denial of her blindness. She is forced to venture out into the outside world where she bumps into Anthony, a reclusive, struggling man. They embark on a journey to resolve their scars, handicaps and shortcomings.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Subtitle Language
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Neha Manoj Shah, Co-director: Ahmed Saleem Deen
  • Screenwriter
    Neha Manoj Shah
  • Producer
    Neha Manoj Shah, Juliana Kabua
  • Cast
    Aseem Sharma, Alfred Munyua, Trishna Morjaria
  • Cinematographer
    Director of Photography: Wael Gzoly
  • Editor
    Editors: Ahmed Saleem Deen, Wael Gzoly