2025 Denton Black Film Festival

Bold & Beautiful Shorts: Blueprint For My People; City of Kings:Atlanta; Earth to KB; F3VER; I Praise the Dance; Space for Sweeter

Available in 35d 16h 22m 26s
Available January 27, 2025 2:00 AM UTC
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This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! Voting ends on Saturday, February 2nd at 10am Central. Unlock it to cast your vote. Number system- Use 5 for the Best and then down to 1.
$8After this content becomes available January 27th at 2:00 am UTC, you'll have 7 days 4 hours to start watching. Once you begin, you'll have 48 hours to finish watching. Need help?

Visuals for August Truly's singles "DYGBC" and "Rosita" were created to be as larger than life, from the perspective of a butterfly soaring around August, the dancers, and the lush valley of natural flora surrounding them. The idea was to witness their presence in a pure, uninterrupted way, allowing the beauty of August's music to seamlessly narrate the journey..

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
  • Sponsor
    Special Thanks: MPS Studios
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Tramaine Townsend
  • Screenwriter
    Tramaine Townsend
  • Producer
    Grant Wakefield
  • Cast
    August Truly, Bianca Milidor, Carmen Page, Sierra
  • Cinematographer
    Director of Photography: Justin Hamilton,• Photographer: Victoria Gomez, Videographer: Diego Noriega
  • Production Design
    PA: Lauren Sultan, • Set Designer: Patrico Rivera, Wardrobe: Jai Midget, 1st AC: Sunny Perera, Bolt Operators: Ben Long, Josh Huval, Gaffer: John Beasley, Key Grip: Juan Rocha, Swing: Paul Carol