2025 Denton Black Film Festival

Echoes of Determination Shorts: Climb Malawi; Dear Kasen; Footwork; Resolution

Available in 35d 15h 20m 43s
Available January 27, 2025 2:00 AM UTC
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This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! Voting ends on Saturday, February 2nd at 10am Central. Unlock it to cast your vote. Number system- Use 5 for the Best and then down to 1.
$8After this content becomes available January 27th at 2:00 am UTC, you'll have 7 days 4 hours to start watching. Once you begin, you'll have 48 hours to finish watching. Need help?

A time capsule for Kasen Lampkin, the son of UNT Women's Basketball star Tommisha Lampkin. While following the historic season for the Mean Green in 2024, it also tells the story of Tommisha with Basketball and her five year old son.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    North Texas
  • Director
    Armando Lee Lutz
  • Producer
    Armando Lee Lutz
  • Cast
    Tommisha Lampkin, Tomeka Lampkin, Kasen Lampkin