This documentary follows the stories of two residents of the area of Lyari in Karachi, Nawaz Laasi and Amna Baloch. Both have lost family members to gang violence in the area. Nawaz has lost four sons, two to gang violence and two at the hands of the police, and Amna’s husband was killed by the police. Through telling their stories, this documentary sheds light on the on-going ramifications of violence and questions whether peace has truly been achieved for the people of Lyari.
- Year2023
- Runtime32 minutes
- LanguageUrdu
- CountryPakistan
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorNida Kirmani
- ProducerNida Kirmani
- EditorHusain Qaizar
This documentary follows the stories of two residents of the area of Lyari in Karachi, Nawaz Laasi and Amna Baloch. Both have lost family members to gang violence in the area. Nawaz has lost four sons, two to gang violence and two at the hands of the police, and Amna’s husband was killed by the police. Through telling their stories, this documentary sheds light on the on-going ramifications of violence and questions whether peace has truly been achieved for the people of Lyari.
- Year2023
- Runtime32 minutes
- LanguageUrdu
- CountryPakistan
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorNida Kirmani
- ProducerNida Kirmani
- EditorHusain Qaizar