Deaffest Online Cinema

Deaffest 2024 - Non-Competition Entries

Expired May 31, 2024 10:59 PM
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In the middle of what would have otherwise been a banal evening, everything Céleste has been trying to hide from her husband comes to light. Céleste is a deaf painter from a wealthy family. Her husband, Max, is an activist from a troubled background who frequents protests around Paris.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    35 minutes
  • Language
    French, French Sign Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
  • Genre
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Chongyan Liu
  • Screenwriter
    Martin Trouvé-Dugény, Chongyan Liu, Meret Kraft
  • Producer
    Thomas Moore
  • Executive Producer
    Yuan Liu, Jingbin Yan
  • Cast
    Jenna Knafo, Martin Trouvé-Dugény
  • Editor
    Chongyan Liu
  • Production Design
    Ashlinn De Schonen
  • Sound Design
    Jingya Li