Deaffest Online Cinema

Young Deaf Filmmakers Scheme

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Directed by Stephen Collins, Dr.Black sends you to the edge of your seat. Kat (Kat Wright) and Sky (Jessica Reynolds) and Jacob (Stephen Collins) meet up for a night out, but what they do not expect is a trip to the other side. Who could have know a trip to the cinema could cost you your soul...?

  • Year
  • Runtime
    7 minutes
  • Language
    English, British Sign Language
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Premiere
  • Genre
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Stephen Collins
  • Screenwriter
    Jessica Reynolds
  • Cast
    Kat Wright, Jack Smallwood, Gordon Hay, Jessica Reynold, Stephen Collins
  • Cinematographer
    Jack Smallwood & Jessica Reynolds