Expired January 25, 2021 8:00 AM
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This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!

This session includes a panel discussion, originally recorded live on Saturday, January 16th

The story of the San Francisco Bay Delta estuary is at the heart of California’s problematic history with water. The film, River’s End, takes a deep dive into the political quagmire, and reveals a level of nuance much deeper than the simplistic “fish versus farms” narrative. Why is water considered the new gold, and what are the effects of increased water diversions on San Francisco Bay and its watershed? How will we make our water supply more reliable in the face of climate change and already unsustainable demands? Esteemed CA water expert panelists, including US Congressman Jared Huffman, Chief Caleen Sisk of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, and SF Baykeeper Senior Scientist Dr. Jon Rosenfield, address some of these questions and more in a live Q&A, moderated by award-winning LA Times journalist Bettina Boxall. Join us to learn more about CA’s complex history with water and how addressing its challenges can help us solve water issues around the world.

Water is life sustaining - and yet it is contaminated, threatened by unwise development, polluted, and fought over around the world. The films in this session instill a sense of appreciation for the water that supports life in all its forms and show the people fighting to protect it.

Featuring: Wild Climate (27 min) | River's End: California's Latest Water War (81 min)

  • Runtime
    45 minutes