Expired June 28, 2020 6:59 AM
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In the simplest terms, s01e03 is a love story. Intimate connections come and go over the span of a late-summer day in East Vancouver, as one friend leaves for a new city and another arrives to visit for the first time. But in many ways, Walker’s film expands beyond simple terms; it is all at once a depiction of tenderness via the internet, a collaborative exercise between people and virtual spaces, and an attempt to understand the feelings of unrest which arise when there is distance between us and the people we care deeply for. - SB

Preceded by

To: You, To Night 

Han Pham, Canada, 2020, 9 mins

A late night walk through Vancouver streets, personal correspondence, and a tragic event are woven together in this experimental reflection on dislocation, immigration and language. -MM

  • Year
  • Runtime
    57 minutes
  • Country
  • Director
    Kurt Walker