BOCA TUYA - "Like Those Playground Kids at Midnight" / JOY MARIE THOMPSON - "LINKt"

Expired October 15, 2020 1:00 AM
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LINKt trata sobre la relación entre una mujer negra y una mujer blanca. Interpretada y codirigida por Joy-Marie Thompson y Sherah Shipman, las dos mujeres usan un elástico color naranja atado a la cintura de ambas para representar las luchas de poder, las diferencias en cuanto a sus respectivos privilegios y la dinámica del trabajo entre ellas.


14 minutos


Estados Unidos


LINKt is about the relationship between a black woman and a white woman. Performed and co-directed by Joy-Marie Thompson and Sherah Shipman, the two women use an orange rubber band that is tied to their waists to represent the power struggles, differences related to their privilege, and the dynamics of labor between them.


14 minutes


United States