FIAF Virtual CinéSalon & Events On Demand

TILT Kids Weekend | Drag Queen Story Hour with Harmonica Sunbeam

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Drag Queen Story Hour with Harmonica Sunbeam

Presented on Saturday, March 20

Ages 2 & up • In English • 33 minutes

Drag Queen Story Hour returns to FIAF to create a virtual space where kids—and adults—can present themselves in their own fabulous ways and how they wish.

Dress up in your best outfits and favorite costumes for this program during which Harmonica Sunbeam of Drag Queen Story Hour NYC will read a selection of French and American favorites in English: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, Edmund the Thing by Astrid Desbordes, and Feather by Remi Courgeon.

Learn more at

  • Year
  • Runtime
    33 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Cast
    Harmonica Sunbeam