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Talk | A Transatlantic Festival: Liberté d’expression, Free Speech, and "Cancel Culture" - Race

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A Transatlantic Festival: Liberté d’expression, Free Speech, and "Cancel Culture"

Talk III: Race

Presented on Sunday, April 25, 2021

In English

The denunciation of racism, in the wake of Black Lives Matter, has put questions of systemic discrimination in the US and in France into relief. But these two countries, with their different histories, have a distinct relationship to the notion of race, a word that is even taboo in France. While the United States grapples with a long history of slavery, France is often blamed for its supposed colorblindness and the difficulty it faces in addressing its colonial legacy. How do these different narratives translate into contemporary debates, such as accusations of historical revisionism or criticism of cultural appropriation?

Keynote Speaker: Thomas Chatterton Williams

With Nell Irvin Painter, Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci

Moderated by James McAuley

98 minutes with Q&A

Co-presented by La Maison française of NYU, The Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US, and FIAF.

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  • Year
  • Runtime
    98 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Cast
    Thomas Chatterton Williams, Nell Irvin Painter, Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci, James McAuley