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We have a guide for watching alone and watching with others.

We highly recommend that you read these watch guides before watching.

Click here if you are watching alone

Click here if you are watching with other people

Responsible use of The OLIVE Collection requires facilitated conversation and mental health support for participants. We encourage you to hold space for yourself and others using the guides provided.

Accessing Support

Please find a list of resources where you can access support here:

Mental Health Support

About The Program

Since 2012, Art With Impact (AWI) and California’s Mental Health Commission (MHSOAC) have been building the OLIVE Film Collection, the world’s largest and most diverse library of short films about mental health.

This collection of short films focuses on Anxiety & Depression.

These films are intended to create conversation.

Each five-minute film let’s viewers into a specific emotional world that sparks unique, personal reactions.

Each film has numerous possible connections with viewers.

We encourage you to hold space for yourself and others by using the guides provided above.

After each film our logo will appear, white on black, here you can pause the program to reflect on the film if you are watching alone or to share a discussion prompt if you are watching with a group or class. Just press play again when you are ready to move forward. Take care.

Personal and intimate, the contributors in this film talk via smartphones about their relationships with anxiety in their place of comfort. Both filmmakers live with anxiety, and mixed these emotive interviews with fantasy sequences inspired by their own relationships with the condition.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    5 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Awards
    AWI's OLIVE Short Film Competiton
  • Director
    Lily Rose Thomas and Stephen Isaac Wilson.