Thanks to these two new First Cut! workshops, thirty young people had their first opportunity to gain the skills required to animate their own short films at home. Experienced tutor Belinda Walsh, with Ilse De Ziah, demonstrated the basic skills for hand drawn, claymation, legomation and paper cut stop motion. These workshops sparked the curiosity and imaginations of the young people who took part and gave them an experience that builds confidence, creativity, and pride in their artistic abilities. The enchanting results are receiving their premiere!
- Runtime37 minutes
Thanks to these two new First Cut! workshops, thirty young people had their first opportunity to gain the skills required to animate their own short films at home. Experienced tutor Belinda Walsh, with Ilse De Ziah, demonstrated the basic skills for hand drawn, claymation, legomation and paper cut stop motion. These workshops sparked the curiosity and imaginations of the young people who took part and gave them an experience that builds confidence, creativity, and pride in their artistic abilities. The enchanting results are receiving their premiere!
- Runtime37 minutes