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Under pressure, wild emotions come to the surface. Here are characters on the verge of a discovery, of getting caught, losing control, finding healing and falling apart.

A drug addicted young couple steal a kilo of heroin from a local drug dealer, but the plan soon unravels when the boy overdoses and the girl is left all alone with criminals closing in on her.

About the Director:

Kieran Wheeler has worked in the Australian film industry for over ten years. Although he has been a writer for most of his life, after going to film school he spent years working in camera and lighting departments, networking and watching how other directors work. Now focusing solely on writing and directing, his short films have played at festivals all around the world and received numerous awards. He is currently working towards getting his first feature film made. He is also a true cinephile who watches films non stop and is always in awe of the power of stories and the innate need that people have to tell and hear stories.

  • Runtime
    15 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    US Premiere
  • Director
    Kieran Wheeler