Expired February 21, 2024 8:00 PM
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Co-curated by Michelle Baroody and Sharon Mansur

Showcasing Arab and SWANA (Southwest Asian and North African) artists and filmmakers, this set of short films challenges documentary form as well as common narratives/images of immigration and displacement. The makers featured in this segment use cinema to expand visibility both within and outside their ancestral homelands, interrogating the policies that enforce borders and mass displacement. The films in this program depict home, place, identity, and belonging, as well as loss, scattering, and letting go, and in addition to challenging the arbitrary lines on maps, they challenge the boundaries between documentary and narrative cinema and between reality and fiction. Inviting participants and audience members to consider new ways of looking at home, immigration, and exile, this film program reflects on both past and present to consider a different future, one that can be found through art practice. A short discussion with local artists and programmers will follow the films.

Presented in partnership with The Cedar Tree Project, Frozen River Film Festival, and Mizna.

The Cedar Tree Project presents, supports and amplifies​ contemporary art and artists of Arab/SWANA heritage and regions, inviting deeper understanding, empathy ​and engagement through artistic exchange. www.cedartreeproject.com

Mizna is a critical platform for contemporary literature, film, art, and cultural production centering the work of Arab and SWANA artists. https://mizna.org/

45th Parallel focuses on the Haskell Free Library and Opera House—a unique municipal site between the jurisdictions of Canada and the United States. Constructed in 1904 under the patronage of the local Haskell family, this building was deliberately designed to straddle the frontier between Canada and the US as a symbolic act of unity in the transnational town of Stanstead. The performance about one border conflict is set on the site of a grey legal area and looks at how each border implicates the other, and how borders are not lines but, rather, richly layered spaces.
  • Year
  • Runtime
    15 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Director
    Lawrence Abu Hamdan
  • Screenwriter
    Lawrence Abu Hamdan
  • Producer
    Luke W Moody
  • Cast
    Mahdi Fleifel
  • Cinematographer
    Jarred Alterman
  • Editor
    Inneke Van Waeyenberghe, Jarred Alterman
  • Music
    Susan Alcorn Lobato