Getting LOST

Getting LOST Virtual World Premiere w/ LIVE Q&A

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$18.99After unlocking, you'll have 4 days 21 hours to start watching. Once you begin, you'll have 24 hours to finish watching the film. The December 7th at 11:05 pm UTC livestream can be viewed anytime until December 19th at 2:00 am. Need help?

Worldwide virtual premiere of the new documentary 'Getting LOST' complete with live chat and Q&A. The film includes subtitles in English, Spanish, German, and Brazilian Portuguese.

A documentary revisiting the global television phenomenon LOST. Featuring interviews with the cast and crew, as well as members of the loyal fan base who still celebrate the show twenty years after it originally aired.
  • Year
  • Runtime
    120 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Subtitle Language
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Taylor Morden
  • Producer
    Ralph D. Apel
  • Cast
    J.J. Abrams, Jorge Garcia, Josh Holloway, Evangeline Lilly, Terry O'Quinn
  • Composer
    Michael Giacchino