"A Cup of Tea" is a heartfelt short film about the challenging aftermath for a Black American family whose son was unjustly murdered by the hands of the police. We are invited to witness Jamal’s parents Shannon and Coleman meeting for the first time, years after this life shattering incident, and their emotionally palpable exploration of grief and forgiveness. Their inspiring reunification brings hope that love overcomes pain, even in the most dire circumstances.
- Year2023-08-01
- Runtime0:18:00
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
"A Cup of Tea" is a heartfelt short film about the challenging aftermath for a Black American family whose son was unjustly murdered by the hands of the police. We are invited to witness Jamal’s parents Shannon and Coleman meeting for the first time, years after this life shattering incident, and their emotionally palpable exploration of grief and forgiveness. Their inspiring reunification brings hope that love overcomes pain, even in the most dire circumstances.
- Year2023-08-01
- Runtime0:18:00
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States