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Toronto, 1899. Aspiring young politician Mackenzie King (Dan Beirne) dreams of becoming the Prime Minister of Canada. But his romantic vacillation between a British soldier and a French nurse, exacerbated by a fetishistic obsession, may well bring about his downfall. In his quest for power, King must gratify the expectations of his imperious Mother, the hawkish fantasies of a war-mongering Governor-General, and the utopian idealism of a Québécois mystic before facing one, final test of leadership. Culminating in an epic battle between good and evil, King learns that disappointment may be the defining characteristic of the twentieth century!

  • Year
  • Runtime
    90 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Matthew Rankin
  • Screenwriter
    Matthew Rankin
  • Executive Producer
    Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette, Ménaïc Raoul
  • Cast
    Dan Beirne (Mackenzie King), Mikhaïl Ahooja (Bert Harper), Catherine Saint-Laurent (Ruby Elliott), Sarianne Cormier (Nurse Lapointe), Brent Skagford (Arthur Meighen), Richard Jutras (Father), Trevor Anderson (Mr. Justice Richardson), Kee Chan (Dr. Milton Wakefield), Seán Cullen (Lord Muto), Annie St-Pierre (J. Israël Tarte), Emmanuel Schwartz (Lady Violet), Satine Scarlett Montaz (Little Charlotte)