"Cowboy Poets" is an unlikely western set in the world of cowboy poetry gatherings. Every year since 1985 they've gathered to share their heartfelt cowboy poetry in Elko, Nevada. A look at a celebration of the creative process, our need to create, to gather, to share, "Cowboy Poets" reveals a modern West wrangling with change and environmental threats.
Film Contact
Olivier Tournaud
- Year2022
- Runtime81 minutes
- LanguageEnglish and Crow
- CountryUnited Kingdom, Scotland
- PremiereMidwest Premiere
- GenreDocumentary Feature
- Subtitle LanguageNot applicable
- Content WarningSuitable for All Ages
- DirectorMike Day
- ScreenwriterMike Day
- ProducerMike Day, Sue Turley
- Executive ProducerMichael Y. Chow, Bonnie Buckner, Arcadiy Golubovich, Tony Hsieh, Andy Hsieh, Bryn Mooser, Kathryn Everett, Justin Lacob, Leslie Finlay, Louis Venezia
- CastGail Steiger, Wallace McRae, Mary Matli and others
"Cowboy Poets" is an unlikely western set in the world of cowboy poetry gatherings. Every year since 1985 they've gathered to share their heartfelt cowboy poetry in Elko, Nevada. A look at a celebration of the creative process, our need to create, to gather, to share, "Cowboy Poets" reveals a modern West wrangling with change and environmental threats.
Film Contact
Olivier Tournaud
- Year2022
- Runtime81 minutes
- LanguageEnglish and Crow
- CountryUnited Kingdom, Scotland
- PremiereMidwest Premiere
- GenreDocumentary Feature
- Subtitle LanguageNot applicable
- Content WarningSuitable for All Ages
- DirectorMike Day
- ScreenwriterMike Day
- ProducerMike Day, Sue Turley
- Executive ProducerMichael Y. Chow, Bonnie Buckner, Arcadiy Golubovich, Tony Hsieh, Andy Hsieh, Bryn Mooser, Kathryn Everett, Justin Lacob, Leslie Finlay, Louis Venezia
- CastGail Steiger, Wallace McRae, Mary Matli and others