Expired November 1, 2023 3:59 AM
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Changing and growing relationships can be difficult, but sometimes you gotta put yourself out there even if that means jumping on a longboard and participating in an advanced dance competition on wheels. This block of six short films follows characters as they try to delve into the vulnerability and sweetness of human relationships. Watch as a young woman chooses her own path forward with her sister’s assistance, a grandfather finds comfort during his daily park visits, a man discovers a love of gardening through the passing of his father, and more moments celebrate uniquely human experiences. 

Samantha secretly applied to her dream college out East, despite her Cuban family’s wishes for her to stay close to home. While searching for a parking spot at the local college where Samantha is interviewing for a full ride, she realizes that her sneaky younger sister stole the admittance letter to her dream school, and now she must barter for it back if she wants to keep her secret from her family.

  • Runtime
    10 minutes
  • Language
    English, Spanish
  • Country
    United States
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Sophia Costanzo
  • Producer
    Henrietta Biayemi, Sophia Costanzo
  • Cast
    Bianca Dovarro, Chloe Perez, Heidy Jantzen, Margarita Paetzold, Maria Skarbrevik