These narrative and documentary shorts explore the unique, yet universal struggles, of immigrants throughout the world as they face hurdles unique to their circumstances: from trying to follow your passion, to doing what you think is best for your children, to trying to reunite your family from a continent away. Stay following the film for a conversation about the films and about the communities and resources available to immigrants in Fort Wayne and Indiana.
It's the summer after high-school graduation and Gabriela, a young undocumented Guatemalan woman, pursues her dream of swimming for an illustrious Country Club swim team. Despite her single-minded determination, Gabriela is continually confronted with her over-protective mother's fears, limitations on her economic and legal status, and her own self-judgment. As she questions her self-worth against the structures of contemporary American Southern life, Gabriela embarks on a quest towards personal freedom and self-acceptance. Gabriela is a visually captivating coming-of-age story, with a poetic reflection on identity and class divisions in the US, and the liberating power of water.
These narrative and documentary shorts explore the unique, yet universal struggles, of immigrants throughout the world as they face hurdles unique to their circumstances: from trying to follow your passion, to doing what you think is best for your children, to trying to reunite your family from a continent away. Stay following the film for a conversation about the films and about the communities and resources available to immigrants in Fort Wayne and Indiana.
It's the summer after high-school graduation and Gabriela, a young undocumented Guatemalan woman, pursues her dream of swimming for an illustrious Country Club swim team. Despite her single-minded determination, Gabriela is continually confronted with her over-protective mother's fears, limitations on her economic and legal status, and her own self-judgment. As she questions her self-worth against the structures of contemporary American Southern life, Gabriela embarks on a quest towards personal freedom and self-acceptance. Gabriela is a visually captivating coming-of-age story, with a poetic reflection on identity and class divisions in the US, and the liberating power of water.