Another Hole in the Head 2021

The Bold, the Beautiful, & the Bizarre

Expired December 16, 2021 7:59 AM
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10 films in package
Creatures in My House
This stop motion animated short follows a house full of peculiar monsters waking up in an askew home. This quirky and tactile household is full of frenetic energy set off by the morning alarm. Discover what the ruckus in the kitchen is really about in this colorful nod to film noir and German expressionism.
Pleasant Valley Drive In
Park your car under the stars and spend your evening at Pleasant Valley Drive In to watch “Summer Awakenings.” This coming-of-age film is radically altered when a projectionist-cum-cinematic saboteur splices in some not-so-subtle subtext via drive in movie advertisements.
Two imprisoned brothers, with no dreams or realities, seek a bit of air to breathe.
COMPENDIUM OF PERPLEXITIES: No fixed narrative, nor explanations. At the core: a group of individuals in search of something, sometimes tormented and detached.
A journey through George Halles' hallucinated unconscious mind, populated by tormented memories, fears and drives.
In much the same vein as early Ingmar Bergman films explore the underlying psyche of characters and their independent and imposed choices, this short film is an experimental expression of those choices and one man's life path to obtain self-actualization.
The extrasensory phenomenon of being watched…
Your Houseplants Are Screaming
Human houseplants are held captive by a giant plant creature. Confined to their pots, the houseplants struggle to comprehend the horror of being shelf ornaments in a grotesque hell house made of flesh, meat, muscle and bone.
Terror and disease rage furiously abroad. Inside the deep seclusion of a secured palace, King Prospero entertains himself and his fellowmen at a masked ball. Unusual magnificence is within but as time passes a danger creeps closer! Loosely based on a story by edgar Allen Poe.
Time and Recollection Officer D51 patrols his route for irregular memories. Meanwhile, a disillusioned citizen demands egress from his station and is quickly punished for his disobedience.
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A collection of provocative art/experimental and animated short films.

Human houseplants are held captive by a giant plant creature. Confined to their pots, the houseplants struggle to comprehend the horror of being shelf ornaments in a grotesque hell house made of flesh, meat, muscle and bone.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    8 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Screenwriter
    Benjamin Roberds