International Film Festival Manhattan Virtual Events 2020

Shorts Program 5 Horror and Mystery

Expired November 23, 2020 4:59 AM
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Stabbed...Robbed….and Murdered…. An irreversible moment of weakness and anger led Cal to his eventual death. Given the option to pass peacefully into the next realm, Cal once again chooses himself and resists the call of fate. In order for him to obtain his second chance at life, he must traverse the deepest crevasses of his subconscious using DOORS… Confronting his past and the demons that lie in wait..

Director Bio

Caleb Harris born and raised in Iowa, started his career as an actor and has since transitioned to a writer and director. He currently resides in Los Angeles California where he works full time within the film industry.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Caleb Harris
  • Screenwriter
    Caleb Harris
  • Producer
    Josh Diercks
  • Cast
    Caleb Harris, Arnie Dewitt