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This is the story of a triathlete who was nearly killed in a training accident. He broke 22 bones, nearly bleed out at the accident scene, and spent nearly a month in the hospital. But his release from the hospital was just the beginning of this inspiring story.

From there, he rehabilitated for months, first learning to walk, and eventually getting back on his bike to ride back up the mountain to the site of his accident. From there he dove back into training, and exactly one year after being released from the hospital, he ran one final race.

The story is about much more than an accident and recovery -- it is ultimately a love story of racing, of the 300 people who helped him recover, and of family. It will inspire you to get up and address whatever challenges you face.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    52 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Neil Myers
  • Screenwriter
    Neil Myers
  • Producer
    Neil Myers
  • Executive Producer
    Neil Myers
  • Cinematographer
    Neil Myers, Jem Schofield
  • Editor
    Neil Myers
  • Composer
    Eric Colvin