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Among the Heat Wheels, passion and drive are abundant, but the team’s dwindling checkbook threatens to cut short its attempt to win their first national championship. Athletes Mario, Jeremie and Orlando rally their team through the season while confronting adversity on and off the court, as the team pushes their way towards the title in the tension-riddled conclusion where they prove that no matter the challenges, it’s all about how you rebound that counts.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    76 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Shaina Allen
  • Screenwriter
    Shaina Allen, Marshall Davis Jones, Brian Gordon
  • Producer
    Michael Esposito
  • Executive Producer
    Nick Nanton, JW Dicks
  • Cast
    Jeremie "Phenom" Thomas, Mario Moran, Orlando Carrillo, Parnes Cartwright, Miami Heat Wheels Wheelchair Basketball team
  • Cinematographer
    Shaina Allen, Michael Esposito, Chad Andreo Philp
  • Editor
    Shaina Allen, Nick Ruff
  • Composer
    Abel Okugawa, Will Bangs