19th Annual International Ocean Film Festival (IOFF 2022)


Expired April 25, 2022 6:59 AM
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5 films in package
Coding for Crayfish
David Shoshola has lived in Paternoster, a coastal fishing town north of Cape Town, for generations, fishing primarily for the abundant crayfish, or rock lobster. In spite of legal limits, in the 1950s poaching by gangs began to endanger both lobster populations and fisher livelihoods. To bring an end to it, Abalobi, a computer platform, was developed to trace where crayfish are caught and who catches them. —SJPH
INTO THE BLUE: The Wonders of The Coral Triangle
Located between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, the Coral Triangle is often referred to as the global center of marine biodiversity. Home to hundreds of marine species, pristine coral reefs and some of the most colorful inhabitants of the ocean. Go deep into the blue around the Indonesian islands of Raja Ampat, Sulawesi, and Komodo and be mesmerized by stunning, up-close ocean beauty. —AB
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My Journey Across the Ocean
A sophisticated animated short film based on a real-life, two-year family sailing adventure from across the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and through the Caribbean. As a first time filmmaker, Toomey sails to some of the most remote, uninhabited places on the ocean, only to discover that everyday plastics have found their way there – before her! By offering solutions on how to diminish our dependence on plastics, she returns to shore hopeful for our future. —AB
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"We felt ready for anything, but we quickly realized the true meaning of being ‘out there’.” Two adventurers undertake a self-supported sea kayak expedition through Antarctica’s icy waterways. At once an exploration of solitude and partnership, they discover serenity within themselves, a strengthened bond between them and the shared joy of an immersive experience (and some new friends too!). —BB
Tess Felix: Portrait Artist
After a big storm, a local artist Tess Felix went down to the beach only to discover plastic debris covering the whole shoreline. Realizing the gravity of plastic pollution in the ocean, she started creating vibrant portraits of people she admires out of abandoned plastic to spark conversations around the issue. —YI

Coding for Crayfish, Serge Raemaekers, Karen Logan (South Africa) 30 min

David Shoshola has lived in Paternoster, a coastal fishing town north of Cape Town, for generations, fishing primarily for the abundant crayfish, or rock lobster.  In spite of legal limits, in the 1950s poaching by gangs began to endanger both lobster populations and fisher livelihoods.  To bring an end to it,  Abalobi, a computer platform, was developed to trace where crayfish are caught and who catches them. —SJPH

  • Year
  • Runtime
    30 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    South Africa
  • Director
    Serge Raemaekers, Karen Logan
  • Producer
    Karen Logan