Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival 2021

Brief Encounters

Expired October 31, 2021 11:45 PM
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Doorstep flirtation with a delivery guy, a toe-curling train station encounter between couples, the unusual meeting of a motorcyclist and a transgender performing artist, and a beautiful tale of burgeoning romance in India. With a surreptitious nod to the black and white movie written by gay actor and playwright Noel Coward, this programme is all about chance encounters, good, bad and simply awkward.

Fflyrtio ar y stepen ddrws gyda’r dyn post, cyfarfyddiad annifyr mewn gorsaf rhwng cyplau, cyfarfod anarferol rhwng beiciwr modur ac artist perfformio trawsryweddol, a stori hyfryd am ramant gynyddol yn India. Gyda nod llechwraidd i'r ffilm du a gwyn a ysgrifennwyd gan yr actor hoyw a'r dramodydd Noel Coward, mae'r rhaglen hon yn ymwneud â chyfarfyddiadau siawns, da, drwg a lletchwith.

On a dark and rainy night Diego rides across the city to deliver a letter to a lost love. As he passes by a corner a glamorous woman, caught in the dazzle of a disco ball, warns him to be wary of the slippery roads. Paying little heed, Diego tears off, but soon finds himself being cared for by the statuesque Diana.

Ar noson dywyll a gwlyb mae Diego yn reidio ar draws y ddinas i fynd â llythyr at gariad coll. Wrth iddo fynd heibio cornel mae dynes hudolus, yn sefyll dan olau llachar pêl ddisgo, yn ei rybuddio i fod yn wyliadwrus o'r ffyrdd llithrig. Gan dalu sylw bach, mae Diego yn rhuthro i ffwrdd, ond cyn bo hir mae'n cael ei hun yn derbyn gofal gan y Diana urddasol.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    19 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Diogo Costa Amarante