Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival 2020

2. Two Steps Forward: Best British

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In the journey to equality we move frustratingly forwards and backwards. But the world is changing, and it’s one with more space for queer people than ever before. These five films, which celebrate LGBT+ lives past, present and future, offer up a ray of hope. 

What even is a male? Why can't I wear a dress? Fuck it. Let's have sex and worry about it later. Transgender Blake and cisgender Cane hang out, play video games and grapple with their insecurities. This is their love story.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    5 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Abel Rubinstein
  • Screenwriter
    Abel Rubinstein
  • Producer
    Tara Trangmar, Ludwig Meslet