A family faced with threats, a heartwarming phonecall from a Romani Grandmother, overcoming cultural and language barriers, one elderly man’s dream, a mother’s moment in the spotlight. These stories highlight the relationships between people of different ages.
Teulu sy'n wynebu bygythiadau, galwad ffôn twymgalon gan Mam-gu Romani, goresgyn rhwystrau diwylliannol ac ieithyddol, breuddwyd un dyn oedrannus, ac eiliad Mam dan y sbotlolau. Mae'r straeon hyn yn amlygu'r berthynas rhwng pobl o wahanol oedrannau.
Lin is preparing her solo performance for the Chinese New Year celebration at her church. When rumours start circulating about her son, she is faced with a difficult choice: will she hide or show her true self?
Mae Lin yn paratoi ei pherfformiad unigol ar gyfer dathlu'r Flwyddyn Newydd Tsieineaidd yn ei heglwys. Pan fydd sibrydion yn dechrau cylchredeg am ei mab, mae hi'n wynebu dewis anodd: a fydd hi'n cuddio neu'n dangos ei gwir hunan?
- Year2023
- Runtime20 minutes
- LanguageDutch, Mandarin
- CountryNetherlands
- DirectorClaire Zhou
- ScreenwriterClaire Zhou
- ProducerLara Reinink, Dennis Cornelisse
A family faced with threats, a heartwarming phonecall from a Romani Grandmother, overcoming cultural and language barriers, one elderly man’s dream, a mother’s moment in the spotlight. These stories highlight the relationships between people of different ages.
Teulu sy'n wynebu bygythiadau, galwad ffôn twymgalon gan Mam-gu Romani, goresgyn rhwystrau diwylliannol ac ieithyddol, breuddwyd un dyn oedrannus, ac eiliad Mam dan y sbotlolau. Mae'r straeon hyn yn amlygu'r berthynas rhwng pobl o wahanol oedrannau.
Lin is preparing her solo performance for the Chinese New Year celebration at her church. When rumours start circulating about her son, she is faced with a difficult choice: will she hide or show her true self?
Mae Lin yn paratoi ei pherfformiad unigol ar gyfer dathlu'r Flwyddyn Newydd Tsieineaidd yn ei heglwys. Pan fydd sibrydion yn dechrau cylchredeg am ei mab, mae hi'n wynebu dewis anodd: a fydd hi'n cuddio neu'n dangos ei gwir hunan?
- Year2023
- Runtime20 minutes
- LanguageDutch, Mandarin
- CountryNetherlands
- DirectorClaire Zhou
- ScreenwriterClaire Zhou
- ProducerLara Reinink, Dennis Cornelisse