Expired October 17, 2020 4:00 AM
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People & Nature - Long, Animal Behavior - Long, Writing

A Passion Planet Ltd. production for THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS LLC and BBC in association with WNET Writers: David Allen, Anna Fitch

A professor has an intriguing idea, what would he learn if he invited an octopus to live in his house? We see the octopus, called ‘Heidi’, unravel puzzles, recognize individual humans, and even watch TV with the family. We also see remarkable octopus behaviour from around the world. But most fascinating of all is seeing how Professor David Scheel and his daughter Laurel can develop an intimate relationship with an animal that has nine brains, three hearts and blue blood running through its veins.   

  • Year
  • Runtime
    59 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    USA, Australia, Madagascar