2021 Jackson Wild Summit

Life and Death in Paradise - After the Flood

Expired October 17, 2020 4:00 AM
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Ecosystem - Long

Blue Paw Artists for ZDF Enterprises and Bayerisches Fernsehen, Germany

Over the last 1.500 years, big predators have disappeared from Trinidad. Ocelots and tayras now top the food chain. Its other inhabitants have adjusted, like Trinidad’s capuchin monkeys, cracking snail shells. Oilbirds nest in dark caves, using echolocation. On Tobago fewer predators mean bird paradise. Frigate birds harass tropic birds to steal their haul of fish. And in the depth of night, giant leatherback turtles dig their nests, filmed with new light-sensitive cameras turning night into day.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    52 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    Trinidad and Tobago