This is the gripping story of the discovery and significance of the Cairo Geniza, a treasure trove illuminating over a thousand years of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim life in the heart of the Islamic world. This vast collection of manuscripts, hidden for centuries in the sacred storeroom of an ancient synagogue in Old Cairo, is the largest cache of Jewish historical documents ever found.
- Year2020
- Runtime94 minutes
- CountryUnited States, Canada
- RatingNot Rated
- NoteSubtitled
- DirectorMichelle Paymar
This is the gripping story of the discovery and significance of the Cairo Geniza, a treasure trove illuminating over a thousand years of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim life in the heart of the Islamic world. This vast collection of manuscripts, hidden for centuries in the sacred storeroom of an ancient synagogue in Old Cairo, is the largest cache of Jewish historical documents ever found.
- Year2020
- Runtime94 minutes
- CountryUnited States, Canada
- RatingNot Rated
- NoteSubtitled
- DirectorMichelle Paymar