Advance ticket $10 until Oct3. Ticket price change to $12 from Oct. 4-10.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, actors everywhere have been forced to suspend their careers. In the spirit of us all one day enjoying movies in cinemas again, I collaborated with twelve actors and a crew to shoot a film using appropriate viral transmission prevention measures immediately following the Japanese government's lifting of its state of emergency. To prevent infection, actors did not speak their lines during the shoot. Instead, we recorded dialogue in studio and added it later to the film, treating the actors' lines as if they were voice-over monologues. In this way, the film is truly experimental in its expression.
When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in 2020, people at first thought the virus would be easy to eradicate, but it mutated in ways that magnified the contagion, becoming resistant to all vaccines and drugs. Now, this terrifying, toxic virus has infiltrated every corner of Tokyo's city center and is spreading. Having put the city on lockdown, the Japanese government uses the telecom industry to surveil its citizens. People are prohibited from going out, a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment. Rumor says the new virus travels as easily as pollen, entering the body through membranes of the nose, mouth, or eyes. The authorities force the population to wear gas masks even at home. Against this dystopian background, a small group of people have gathered to create a utopian return to their normal, everyday lives. This film is a touching, yet fleeting memory of the small resistance they mount.
コロナ禍の中、活動の休止を余儀なくされた役者たち 12 人と、いつか映画館で思う存分映画が楽し める日が戻る事を願いながら、緊急事態宣言解除後直ぐに感染防止対策を施して撮影を行った作品であ る。飛沫感染を防ぐため、役者は現場で台詞を一切喋らず、後日改めて収録した音声を、モノローグ的 に当て込む実験的表現が試みられた。
2020 年にパンミックとなった COVID-19 は、あたかも終息したかの様に思えたが、遺伝子変異に よって増殖力を増し、ワクチンや治療薬の耐性ウイルスへと変貌したその恐ろしい強毒性ウイルス は、東京で一気に拡大し、政府は東京のロックダウンを実施。通信各社の情報提供により人々は常に 政府の監視下に置かれ、外出規制の違反をすれば、罰金か禁固刑が科せられる事となった。新型ウイルスは花粉なみの飛散をすると噂が広まり、口や鼻、目の粘膜組織からの感染を恐れ、 人々は外出時だけでなく、室内に居る時も防毒マスクの装着を強いられた。そんな世紀末感漂う中、かつての生活を取り戻すため、ユートピアを目指して集まった者たちの、 儚くも切ない、小さな抵抗の記憶。
- Year2021
- Runtime22 minutes
- LanguageJapanese w/ English subtitle
- CountryJapan
- PremiereUSA premiere
- RatingDrama
- DirectorYurugu Matsumoto
- ScreenwriterYurugu Matsumoto
- ProducerYurugu Matsumoto
- CastTakeyasu Motoyama, Yoko Akita, Eigo Tanaka, MIYATANI, Ryosuke Inoura, Yusuke Wada, Yuka Mukae, Daichi Akiyama, Riku Tamura, Reina Sugitani, Yuya Konishi
Advance ticket $10 until Oct3. Ticket price change to $12 from Oct. 4-10.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, actors everywhere have been forced to suspend their careers. In the spirit of us all one day enjoying movies in cinemas again, I collaborated with twelve actors and a crew to shoot a film using appropriate viral transmission prevention measures immediately following the Japanese government's lifting of its state of emergency. To prevent infection, actors did not speak their lines during the shoot. Instead, we recorded dialogue in studio and added it later to the film, treating the actors' lines as if they were voice-over monologues. In this way, the film is truly experimental in its expression.
When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in 2020, people at first thought the virus would be easy to eradicate, but it mutated in ways that magnified the contagion, becoming resistant to all vaccines and drugs. Now, this terrifying, toxic virus has infiltrated every corner of Tokyo's city center and is spreading. Having put the city on lockdown, the Japanese government uses the telecom industry to surveil its citizens. People are prohibited from going out, a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment. Rumor says the new virus travels as easily as pollen, entering the body through membranes of the nose, mouth, or eyes. The authorities force the population to wear gas masks even at home. Against this dystopian background, a small group of people have gathered to create a utopian return to their normal, everyday lives. This film is a touching, yet fleeting memory of the small resistance they mount.
コロナ禍の中、活動の休止を余儀なくされた役者たち 12 人と、いつか映画館で思う存分映画が楽し める日が戻る事を願いながら、緊急事態宣言解除後直ぐに感染防止対策を施して撮影を行った作品であ る。飛沫感染を防ぐため、役者は現場で台詞を一切喋らず、後日改めて収録した音声を、モノローグ的 に当て込む実験的表現が試みられた。
2020 年にパンミックとなった COVID-19 は、あたかも終息したかの様に思えたが、遺伝子変異に よって増殖力を増し、ワクチンや治療薬の耐性ウイルスへと変貌したその恐ろしい強毒性ウイルス は、東京で一気に拡大し、政府は東京のロックダウンを実施。通信各社の情報提供により人々は常に 政府の監視下に置かれ、外出規制の違反をすれば、罰金か禁固刑が科せられる事となった。新型ウイルスは花粉なみの飛散をすると噂が広まり、口や鼻、目の粘膜組織からの感染を恐れ、 人々は外出時だけでなく、室内に居る時も防毒マスクの装着を強いられた。そんな世紀末感漂う中、かつての生活を取り戻すため、ユートピアを目指して集まった者たちの、 儚くも切ない、小さな抵抗の記憶。
- Year2021
- Runtime22 minutes
- LanguageJapanese w/ English subtitle
- CountryJapan
- PremiereUSA premiere
- RatingDrama
- DirectorYurugu Matsumoto
- ScreenwriterYurugu Matsumoto
- ProducerYurugu Matsumoto
- CastTakeyasu Motoyama, Yoko Akita, Eigo Tanaka, MIYATANI, Ryosuke Inoura, Yusuke Wada, Yuka Mukae, Daichi Akiyama, Riku Tamura, Reina Sugitani, Yuya Konishi