Expired September 15, 2022 6:59 AM
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As a commemorative film for the 80th anniversary of Ashiya City's municipal incorporation, the film focuses on school lunches filled with many memories, carefully portraying the bonds of people connected through food.

Since the start of the school lunch program, Ashiya City has been attracting much attention for its effort to provide school lunch that allows students to taste freshly prepared food on the principle of "warm food warm and cold food cold." In addition, each school has a nutritionist assigned exclusively to develop original, independent menus.

The film plot is a human drama depicted through the eyes of a young nutritionist working at an elementary school in Ashiya. The main character, Nana Nonomura, struggles to bring smiles to the faces of the children who eat school lunches. The film is not only noticeable for the school lunch menus that appear but also for the behind-the-scenes details of the efforts of the people who prepare school lunches every day. To keep costs down, the cooperation of suppliers is also indispensable. Through school lunches that ensure children's growth, the film depicts the "bond" between the people involved in the process with a careful touch.

School lunches are something we all have had the privilege of being served at some point in our lives. School lunchtime in elementary school is a condensed memory of school life. The school lunchtime is full of unforgettable moments, such as memories of struggling with foods you didn't like, a sense of freedom from class time, and pleasant conversations with friends.

Through this film, I hope that viewers will be able to appreciate the importance of "food" for children and cherish fond memories once again.

春 ———。新任栄養士の野々村菜々は、退任するベテラン栄養士の立山から給食のイロハを引き継ぐ。予算の問題や子どものアレルギーの問題・宗教上の問題、様々な問題に対処しながら、子どもたちに“美味しい給食”を食べてもらおうと奮闘する菜々。新学期が始まり、子どもたちからの反応は“美味しかった”から“味が変わった・落ちた・・・”など芳しくない。ショックを受ける菜々を他の栄養士や調理士達から「よくある事で子ども達の気のせいだ・・・」と慰められるも、何とか子どもたちに喜んでもらいたいと、直接子ども達に給食の感想を聞いてみる。そして菜々は、例え子どもの苦手な食材があっても、素材の味を生かした、それぞれに合ったメニューを心がけなければ、と決意する。果たして菜々は、子どもたちに受け入れてもらえる給食を作ることができるのだろうか……。やがて1年が過ぎ、菜々にとって初めての卒業式がやってくる。子ども達が菜々をはじめとする給食の先生達に伝える思いとは……。

  • Year
  • Runtime
    86 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
  • Note
    English Subtitles -Drama
  • Director
    Mitsuhito Shiraha
  • Screenwriter
    Mitsuhito Shiraha / Hirofumi Okamoto
  • Producer
    Hiroyuki Takase
  • Composer
    Koichi Kotani
  • Sound Design
    Hiroki Nozaki
  • Music
    Takeshi Senoo