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This film is available to watch starting Friday, May 1st at 10am PT. Livestreams are also available to watch on the Visual Communications Youtube Channel and the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival Facebook page!

Co-presented with: Little Tokyo Community Council


During these tough times, our thoughts are with our communities, especially our immediate community of Little Tokyo. VC's success is closely integrated with our partnerships with local organizations, small businesses, and residents. Check out what our partners are doing to see how you can help.

CLAIMING A VOICE: THE VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS STORY is a documentary chronicling the first twenty years of Visual Communications. Combining interviews with clips from over twenty Visual Communications films, this video traces the important role alternative media played in the Asian American movement. CLAIMING A VOICE shows how one grassroots organization survived budget cuts, Hollywood, and the collective process of the sixties to control their own images. The stories of Visual Communications members along with those of jazz fusion band Hiroshima, poet Lawson Inada, and actors Pat Morita and Mako are among the many in this documentary which reflect personal commitments to claiming a voice in media.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    60 minutes
  • Director
    Arthur Dong