Lights, Camera, Animation! This is LIAF’s annual showcase of the most dazzling animated student films selected from the best animation and film schools from all around the world. This is the first step on the animation ladder for these talented filmmakers, and the first time their wild and wonderful imaginations have been unleashed. Stop-motion, drawn animation, collage, cut-out, CGI, clay, ink and almost every other technique these animators can dream up are all on display here.
This is the first of 3 hour-long student programmes from the future stars of our animation universe.
Recommended age 15
During a school trip to a forest home, 10-year-old Marlene struggles with her changing body. When classmates mock an oddly developed tadpole at the museum, Marlene oddly identifies with it and decides to set it free.
Lights, Camera, Animation! This is LIAF’s annual showcase of the most dazzling animated student films selected from the best animation and film schools from all around the world. This is the first step on the animation ladder for these talented filmmakers, and the first time their wild and wonderful imaginations have been unleashed. Stop-motion, drawn animation, collage, cut-out, CGI, clay, ink and almost every other technique these animators can dream up are all on display here.
This is the first of 3 hour-long student programmes from the future stars of our animation universe.
Recommended age 15
During a school trip to a forest home, 10-year-old Marlene struggles with her changing body. When classmates mock an oddly developed tadpole at the museum, Marlene oddly identifies with it and decides to set it free.