[ENG] We are dedicating 'Voices of Resistance' to Palestine and the Palestinians, who have been living under occupation for 76 years. By exploring the intersectionality of being a queer Arab, this short film programme reminds us that queerness is only at odds with systems of oppression. It takes us on a multifaceted and poetic journey, showcasing figures of resistance to the Israeli occupation, Palestinian drag queens, and intimate family relationships.
[DK] Vi dedikerer 'Voices of Resistance' til Palæstina og palæstinenserne, som har levet under besættelse i 76 år. Ved at udforske krydsfeltet mellem det at være en queer araber minder dette kortfilmsprogram os om, at queerness kun er i modstrid med undertrykkelsessystemer. Det tager os med på en mangefacetteret og poetisk rejse, der viser modstandsfigurer mod den israelske besættelse, palæstinensiske drag queens og intime familierelationer.
In the 19th century, in the Levant region, Salma Zahore participated in a photoshoot along with her parents and neighbours. At the end of the session, Salma decided to remove her coat, revealing her body. Unaware of the potential chaos this gesture could cause within her circle, she did not anticipate that it could lead to shame (عيب).
- Year2024
- Runtime5 minutes
- LanguageArabic
- CountryLebanon, France
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorHadi Moussally
[ENG] We are dedicating 'Voices of Resistance' to Palestine and the Palestinians, who have been living under occupation for 76 years. By exploring the intersectionality of being a queer Arab, this short film programme reminds us that queerness is only at odds with systems of oppression. It takes us on a multifaceted and poetic journey, showcasing figures of resistance to the Israeli occupation, Palestinian drag queens, and intimate family relationships.
[DK] Vi dedikerer 'Voices of Resistance' til Palæstina og palæstinenserne, som har levet under besættelse i 76 år. Ved at udforske krydsfeltet mellem det at være en queer araber minder dette kortfilmsprogram os om, at queerness kun er i modstrid med undertrykkelsessystemer. Det tager os med på en mangefacetteret og poetisk rejse, der viser modstandsfigurer mod den israelske besættelse, palæstinensiske drag queens og intime familierelationer.
In the 19th century, in the Levant region, Salma Zahore participated in a photoshoot along with her parents and neighbours. At the end of the session, Salma decided to remove her coat, revealing her body. Unaware of the potential chaos this gesture could cause within her circle, she did not anticipate that it could lead to shame (عيب).
- Year2024
- Runtime5 minutes
- LanguageArabic
- CountryLebanon, France
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorHadi Moussally