Ashley Solis, a Mexican-American teenage girl from Central California, dreams of going to prom, spending time with her friends and boyfriend, and graduating high school. However, under the Trump Administration, ICE raids targeting her community threaten to separate her family and force her to become her family's breadwinner. She struggles to provide for her family while balancing school and her personal life. In the face of adversity, Ashley's journey is punctuated with moments of magical realism that evoke her spritiual ancestry and the strength she draws from her close connection to the natural world. Fruits of Labor reflects the tramatic impact of immigration policy on families as well as the inspiring resilience of Ashley and a generation of young people following their dreams.
Preceded by the short film "Madame Pipi," which follows the personal journeys of female Haitian bathroom attendants in Miami’s nightclubs who send money back to their families in Haiti.
Relatively invisible and underpaid, Madame Pipi follows the lives of Haitian Female bathroom attendants working in Miami nightclubs. Despite the uncertainty of COVID-19, their remittances coupled with the larger contributions from the Haitian Diaspora fuels more than one third of Haiti's GDP.
- Year2021
- Runtime25 minutes
- LanguageHaitian Creole
- CountryUSA, Haiti
- DirectorRachelle Salnave
- ScreenwriterRachelle Salnave
- ProducerJayme Gershen
- CinematographerJayme Gershen
- EditorDiana Larrea
Ashley Solis, a Mexican-American teenage girl from Central California, dreams of going to prom, spending time with her friends and boyfriend, and graduating high school. However, under the Trump Administration, ICE raids targeting her community threaten to separate her family and force her to become her family's breadwinner. She struggles to provide for her family while balancing school and her personal life. In the face of adversity, Ashley's journey is punctuated with moments of magical realism that evoke her spritiual ancestry and the strength she draws from her close connection to the natural world. Fruits of Labor reflects the tramatic impact of immigration policy on families as well as the inspiring resilience of Ashley and a generation of young people following their dreams.
Preceded by the short film "Madame Pipi," which follows the personal journeys of female Haitian bathroom attendants in Miami’s nightclubs who send money back to their families in Haiti.
Relatively invisible and underpaid, Madame Pipi follows the lives of Haitian Female bathroom attendants working in Miami nightclubs. Despite the uncertainty of COVID-19, their remittances coupled with the larger contributions from the Haitian Diaspora fuels more than one third of Haiti's GDP.
- Year2021
- Runtime25 minutes
- LanguageHaitian Creole
- CountryUSA, Haiti
- DirectorRachelle Salnave
- ScreenwriterRachelle Salnave
- ProducerJayme Gershen
- CinematographerJayme Gershen
- EditorDiana Larrea