The film(s) in this program are on-demand. Watch at your convenience and be sure to come back for a live Q&A with the filmmakers. Q&As will be recorded in case you can’t make it
St. Bernie Elise Tyson, Director (from Australia) & Janine Kaiser, Producer (from Germany)
Electric Swan Konstantina Kotzamani, Director (from Athens, Greece)
Prodana Aleksandra Nestorov, Director (from Serbia)
While I Can Lift My Hands Helen Reynolds, Director (from New Zealand)
Wordless Ana Pio, Director; Arianne Smith, Producer; Iman Khan, Producer (from England)
The film(s) in this program are on-demand. Watch at your convenience and be sure to come back for a live Q&A with the filmmakers. Q&As will be recorded in case you can’t make it
St. Bernie Elise Tyson, Director (from Australia) & Janine Kaiser, Producer (from Germany)
Electric Swan Konstantina Kotzamani, Director (from Athens, Greece)
Prodana Aleksandra Nestorov, Director (from Serbia)
While I Can Lift My Hands Helen Reynolds, Director (from New Zealand)
Wordless Ana Pio, Director; Arianne Smith, Producer; Iman Khan, Producer (from England)