The film(s) in this program are on-demand. Watch at your convenience and be sure to come back for a live Q&A with the filmmakers. Q&As will be recorded in case you can’t make it!
The Old America is dying a slow and painful death, but is attempting to emerge from the grave. It'll take the community coming together to keep her from rearing her ugly head and to create a future we are proud to leave for our children. We've got some work to do.
- Runtime7 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- NoteNevada Filmmaker (Las Vegas), Music Video
- DirectorDestiny Faith
- ScreenwriterDestiny Faith
- ProducerDestiny Faith
- CastDestiny Faith, Joe Basso, Derek Hinkey, Mark Vargovich, Mindy Gilkerson, Cooper Nelson, LaShan Nelson, Chrystal Miller, Charlie Hunter, Lizette Hunter, Nicole Foster, Caslin Rose, Nicola DiPalma, Zaayon Flanagan, Shana Brouwers, Collin Hayes, Shambrion Treadwell, Honest, Ruliko Cronin, Olivia Hernado, Victoria Kelemen, Jordyn Foster, Legend Gaines, Stretch Sanders
The film(s) in this program are on-demand. Watch at your convenience and be sure to come back for a live Q&A with the filmmakers. Q&As will be recorded in case you can’t make it!
The Old America is dying a slow and painful death, but is attempting to emerge from the grave. It'll take the community coming together to keep her from rearing her ugly head and to create a future we are proud to leave for our children. We've got some work to do.
- Runtime7 minutes
- CountryUnited States
- NoteNevada Filmmaker (Las Vegas), Music Video
- DirectorDestiny Faith
- ScreenwriterDestiny Faith
- ProducerDestiny Faith
- CastDestiny Faith, Joe Basso, Derek Hinkey, Mark Vargovich, Mindy Gilkerson, Cooper Nelson, LaShan Nelson, Chrystal Miller, Charlie Hunter, Lizette Hunter, Nicole Foster, Caslin Rose, Nicola DiPalma, Zaayon Flanagan, Shana Brouwers, Collin Hayes, Shambrion Treadwell, Honest, Ruliko Cronin, Olivia Hernado, Victoria Kelemen, Jordyn Foster, Legend Gaines, Stretch Sanders