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Stream began June 20, 2020 4:15 PM UTC
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CARING FOR OUR CLIMATE FILM COMPILATION (in partnership with Halton Environmental Network)


CANADIAN PREMIERE | Russia | Documentary | 51m

Synopsis: Sockeye, a species of wild salmon, is born in Kamchatkan waters and spends its entire life in the Pacific Ocean. Only once does it return to fresh waters - to give offspring, start the circle of life, and die. It is an inexhaustible resource that feeds billions of people on the planet, restored every year. But soon, we may find ourselves facing the unimaginable: humans will exhaust the inexhaustible.

Directors: Dmitriy Shpilenok , Vladislav Grishin

FILM FACT: salmon poaching is so dangerous in the Kamchatkan wildlife sanctuary that the filmmaker faced insurmountable delays shooting. Every night, over 700 kilos of sockeye caviar was poached during filming.


WORLD PREMIERE | Canada | Documentary | 35m

Synopsis: We live on "the blue planet", abundant with water. Yet, we are now facing a crisis created by decades of mismanagement, unlimited depletion and pollution of the earth's water bodies, issues accelerated now by climate change. So how did we reach this crisis point? Through the lens of Satluj river in Punjab, India, our documentary tells a story that by not following the four pillars of water sustainability – science, economics, governance AND spiritual connection, we have damned one of our most precious resources.

Directors: Vanita Khanna (Gifty Athwal), Dir. Writer/Producer Dr. Romila Verma 

FILM FACT: This screening is the World Premiere of the documentary Water Be Dammed.

SHORT FILMS: Traces (Belgium, 12:05, Dir. Sebastien Pins), It Only Takes a Minute (Oakville, 1:35 Dir. Katie Wang & Hayden Chan, Our Plastic Legacy (11:58, Dir. Dave Tourchin), Halton Climate Collective: Every Action Counts (Oakville, 2:50, Dir. Nicholas Wandel), Guardians of the Grasslands (Canada, 12 min, Dir: Sarah Wray and Ben Wilson)

Q&A: with Romila Verma (Writer/Producer Water Be Dammed), Dir. Sebastien Pins (Traces), Dir. and writer Sarah Wray (Guardians of the Grasslands)