Expired October 5, 2020 3:45 AM
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Presented by Telefilm

Borrachero | Gustavo Cerquera Benjumea | 07:55 

Katalog of Flaws | Marv Newland | 11:45 

Coldshot | Evin Collis | 11:58 

Sommets du cinéma d’animation 2019 Trailer | Martine Frossard | 00:30 

The SerVant 'The Forest' | Éric Falardeau | 05:11 

TAAFI x Industry | Noam Sussman & Ali Kellner | 00:30 

Fan (Fan) Fiction | Lynn Dana Wilton | 00:58 

Odeurs sonores (Smell of Sound) | Carol-Ann Belzil-Normand | 02:34 

WhateverTree | Isaac King | 11:11 

The Lonely Spruce | Dan Sokolowski | 01:00 

Le mangeur d'orgues (The Organ Eater) | Diane Obomsawin | 01:19 

Sporegasm | Kjell Boersma | 10:20 

Stache and the Inner Walk | Joanne Fisher | 03:30 

The Fourfold | Alisi Telengut | 07:14 

Animation Week 80th Anniversary of the NFB | Alex Boya | 01:01 

The surreal journey of a weary passenger train and its travellers as it trudges north to the Hudson Bay revealing glimpses of the monotony, oddities and marvels of Canada’s gateway to the north.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
  • Director
    Evin Collis