Expired November 6, 2020 4:45 AM
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Rostock in September 1989. Nora Sommerfeld is 17 and is in year 11 at school. She dreams of doing a degree in marine biology. But, first of all, she has to get through the next two years at school. Just keep a low profile, her parents tell her. But Nora has a much bigger problem: her best friend Johanna has gone. She and her family fled to West Germany during the summer holidays. Nora misses Johanna so much – she could always talk to her about everything. Most of all, she wants to tell Johanna about her new boyfriend Falk, who is a punk. She wants to share her feelings and fears with her friend. But Johanna isn’t there and so Nora decides to share her experiences and feelings in a kind of video diary. Nora’s world is in a state of flux: her relationship with Falk develops, he gives up his apprenticeship to concentrate on his music, and his parents throw him out of the house. Nora's sister Denise, who is at drama school in Berlin, rebels against the East German system, takes part in demonstrations and ends up getting arrested. What Nora would really like to do is just focus on her future as a marine biologist. She wishes everything would just carry on as normal, but the whole country is in turmoil. The people demonstrating on the streets are demanding freedom of speech and a new, different kind of socialism. Conflicts are also surfacing closer to home: Nora is increasingly confronted with the contradictions within the East German system. Her diary documents the historic mood swing in East Germany in the weeks running up to the fall of the Berlin Wall. The fictional narrative has been combined with archive footage from Aktuelle Kamera and Tagesschau (the East German and West German news programmes respectively) and from Elf99, an East German TV programme for teenagers. Throwback89 is an Instagram series that brings the history of the two Germanys to life. Link to Case Study (Transmedia Project): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cmbjppb_DJ_r1NivcmlTIhlye_sEJ0oS Link to Website (German Transmedia Project) www.throwback89.de

  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Nil Idil Çakmak, Ricarda Saleh
  • Screenwriter
    Nil Idil Çakmak, Ricarda Saleh, Ira Wedel
  • Cast
    Hanna Binke, Bill Becker, Laura Leyh, Marco Wittorf, Anton Schneider, Ella Dittmann, Laila Richter, Jonas David, Belá Weimar-Dittmar, Lara-Maria Wichels
  • Editor
    Timo Spieß, André Steins, Patrick Weinhold
  • Production Design
    Adrian Dallarosa
  • Composer
    Bill Becker
  • Music
    Bill Becker